At SLGxtreme, we are passionate about creating high-quality hyper casual games that provide endless hours of entertainment and excitement. As a leading game design and development company, we strive to push the boundaries of innovation and deliver unforgettable gaming experiences to players worldwide.

About us

Whether you're looking for a casual game to pass the time or seeking a new gaming experience, SlgXtreme has something for everyone. Join us on this thrilling journey as we redefine the world of hyper casual gaming. Contact us today to discuss your game development needs or to explore partnership opportunities. Let's create games that will captivate players and leave a lasting impression!


- Creativity and Originality: We believe in the power of original ideas.
- User-Centric Design: Our games are designed with the player in mind.
- Addictive Gameplay: Hyper casual games are all about providing quick, addictive fun.
- Quality Assurance: We take great pride in the quality of our games.

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Let’s Keep In Touch

Wanna Reach out to us?

CEO & Founder: Deepak Gurijala

Mail :

Hyderabad,Telangana India.